Bobby Thompson

Bobby Thompson


Back squat: 455

Clean & Jerk: 310

Snatch: 247

Fran: 2:29

Helen: 8:47

400m run: 1:01

fight gone bad: 407


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer

CrossFit Level 2 Weighlifting

About Coach

CrossFit Jackson has been my family’s second home since 2012. A place that we have become stronger and have supplemented our life outside the gym with the fitness and community inside the gym. I’ve enjoyed coaching and being part of this CFJ tribe.

Turning Point

Walking through the door at CFJ changed our life. Being around others who valued a high standard and held me to it. Seeing other’s persistence to consistently show up for the unknown and unknowable. Being in an environment where it was the norm to be comfortable being uncomfortable made a huge difference in our family’s life.

Motivation & Passion

The standard of held at CFJ is to do the common, uncommonly well. Hopefully what you gain at CFJ from our coaching and community is the capability to succeed inside and outside the gym.